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A Review of Garden Bird Watch (2015-2019)


A Review of Garden Bird Watch

This book is a review of the results and trends of birds spotted over the past five years, contributed by NParks' over 1,100 dedicated citizen scientists who have participated in Garden Bird Watch from 2015 to 2019. These surveys help us to understand if our habitat enhancement and restoration efforts are benefiting our garden birds. This is the first book in Singapore that shows the distribution of specific birds across many of Singapore's parks, gardens, and other green spaces.

Fifty species encountered during the Garden Bird Watch surveys from 2015 to 2019 are highlighted, showing the number of individuals observed per survey round, and a map with the distribution of the species across the various survey sites. This will act as a useful resource for budding naturalists and citizen scientists in the identification and documentation of birds that they spot.



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Last updated on 07 September 2020

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