Higher-skilled (R1) & Assessment-only Pathway (AOP)

Landscaping WSQ Qualifications for Higher-skilled (R1)

From 1 Aug 2023, the Landscaping WSQ qualifications accepted for Landscape Work Permit Holders (WPH) to qualify as higher-skilled (R1) will be revised as follows:

Sector where Landscape WPH is employed

Landscape Services

(SSIC 81300)

Growing Nursery Products New!

(SSIC 01141/ 01142/ 01149)



WSQ Upgrading Pathway

WSQ Upgrading Pathway

Multi-Skilling Scheme

Landscaping WSQ qualifications accepted

  • WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Arboriculture)
  • WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Horticulture and Turf Maintenance)
  • WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Nursery)
  • WSQ Certificate in Landscape Operations
    (N.B. No longer offered but still accepted as a qualification for R1 if the WPH had obtained this certification prior to 10 Feb 2022.)
  • WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Nursery)
  • WSQ Certificate in Landscape Operations
    (N.B. No longer offered but still accepted as a qualification for R1 if the WPH had obtained this certification prior to 10 Feb 2022.)
  • WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Horticulture and Turf Maintenance)
  • WSQ Certificate in Landscape Operations
    (N.B. No longer offered but still accepted as a qualification for R1 if the WPH had obtained this certification prior to 10 Feb 2022.)

More Info on qualifying as higher-skilled (R1)

For the full list of requirements under the WSQ Upgrading Pathway in the Landscape Services sector (SSIC 81300), please refer here. 

For the full list of requirements under the WSQ Upgrading Pathway in the Growing Nursery Products sector (SSIC 01141/ 01142/ 01149), please refer here. 

For the full list of requirements under the Multi-Skilling Scheme in the Construction sector, please refer here.

Refer here for course details on the WSQ Higher Certificates in Landscape.

Assessment-only Pathway (AOP)

What is AOP?

The Assessment-only Pathway (AOP) is intended to validate the competencies of experienced landscape workforce. In-service landscape workers with the relevant knowledge and skills may take the assessment of a WSQ course, via the AOP, without undergoing training at CUGE.


  1. At least 1 year of experience in the landscape industry in Singapore
  2. Have basic knowledge of Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) regulations and policies
  3. Able to understand and speak basic English, or at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 2
  4. Able to work outdoor, under the sun, for an extended period of time
  5. Be medically fit with no medical or physical conditions that could impede the ability to participate in the course
  6. In addition, for Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescues (Level 2) (AOP):

  7. Previously completed formal training in tree climbing and aerial rescue operations from an accredited training organisation

Certificate Attainment

  • Candidates will be issued a Statement of Attainment if assessed to be “Competent” for each AOP.
  • Candidates with Statement of Attainment for all five AOP indicated with an asterisk (*) below will be issued the WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Horticulture and Turf Maintenance).
  • For candidates aiming for the WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Nursery) or WSQ Higher Certificate in Landscape (Arboriculture), they may take a mixture of full courses and AOPs to attain all the required SOAs.


Training materials for the AOP units are available in the Skills Library.

Available AOP

AOP is available for the following Technical Skills and Competencies (TSC):

Course Code TGS-2021008484
(Inclusive of GST and GST Subsidy)
Terms and Conditions apply.
Singaporean/PR: $60.01
Foreigner: $200
Assessment Methods
  1. Practical Exam or Role-Play
  2. Oral Questioning
Assessment Duration 2 hours
Suitable For Arboriculture worker and technician
This course may be taken by entry-level workers without prior experience in tree climbing. CUGE does not offer tree climbing course at Level 1; the Level 2 course covers a wider range of knowledge and skills in the subject matter.
Course Outline
  • Prepare for tree climbing operations
  • Tie knots for tree climbing operations
  • Climb trees using approved industry techniques
  • Conduct aerial rescues
This course replaces the discontinued WSQ course “LS-HM-204S-1 Perform Tree Access and Aerial Rescue”.
TSC WSQ Course LNS-GNM-2003-1.1 Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescues
Course Code TGS-2021008482
(Inclusive of GST and GST Subsidy)
Terms and Conditions apply.
Singaporean/PR: $60.01
Foreigner: $200
Assessment Methods
  1. Practical Exam or Role-Play
  2. Oral Questioning
Assessment Duration 2 hours
Suitable For Workers and technicians in various landscape subsectors
Course Outline
  • Recognise the dangers to environment, human and animal health of exposure to chemicals
  • Safely handle and store non-hazardous chemicals
  • Prepare equipment and tools to apply non-hazardous chemicals safely under supervision
  • Apply non-hazardous chemicals safely under supervision
  • Clean and store tools and equipment
TSC WSQ Course LNS-GNM-2011-1.1 Horticultural Chemical Usage
Course Code TGS-2021008479
(Inclusive of GST and GST Subsidy)
Terms and Conditions apply.
Singaporean/PR: $60.01
Foreigner: $200
Assessment Methods
  1. Practical Exam or Role-Play
  2. Oral Questioning
Assessment Duration 2 hours
Suitable For Landscape/nursery workers and technicians
Course Outline
  • Identify and report the presence of pest infestations and diseases
  • Identify invasive and noxious plant species
  • Identify nutrient deficiencies in plants
  • Prune infested and diseased parts of plants
  • Apply chemicals to control the growth and spread of pests, diseases and invasive species
  • Manage hazards and risks associated with plant health management
TSC WSQ Course LNS-GNM-2014-1.1 Plant Health Management and Disease Control
Course Code TGS-2021008480
(Inclusive of GST and GST Subsidy)
Terms and Conditions apply.
Singaporean/PR: $60.01
Foreigner: $200
Assessment Methods
  1. Practical Exam or Role-Play
  2. Oral Questioning
Assessment Duration 2 hours
Suitable For Landscape workers and technicians
Course Outline
  • Identify contingency pruning requirements arising from abnormalities and defects
  • Perform pruning and shaping of plants
  • Clear site after completion of pruning works
  • Manage hazards and risks associated with plant pruning

Training Videos
(not exhaustive)

  1. Preparation for Work Activities
  2. Inspect Plants
  3. Prune Trees, Hedges and Shrubs
  4. Reinstate Work Sites
TSC WSQ Course LNS-GNM-2016-1.1 Plant Pruning
Course Code TGS-2021008481
(Inclusive of GST and GST Subsidy)
Terms and Conditions apply.
Singaporean/PR: $60.01
Foreigner: $200
Assessment Methods
  1. Practical Exam or Role-Play
  2. Oral Questioning
Assessment Duration 2 hours
Suitable For Landscape workers and technicians
Course Outline
  • Implement control measures for pest, diseases and invasive species on turf
  • Perform mowing to maintain the finish and aesthetic of turf
  • Apply horticultural practices on turfs
  • Perform post-maintenance activities
  • Manage hazards and risks associated with turf maintenance
Training Videos
(not exhaustive)
  1. Preparation for Work Activities
  2. Mow Turf Area
  3. Fertilize Plants and Turf
  4. Maintain Turf Area
TSC WSQ Course LNS-GNM-2018-1.1 Turf Maintenance
Course Code TGS-2021008483
(Inclusive of GST and GST Subsidy)
Terms and Conditions apply.
Singaporean/PR: $60.01
Foreigner: $200
Assessment Methods
  1. Practical Exam or Role-Play
  2. Oral Questioning
Assessment Duration 2 hours
Suitable For Workers and technicians in various landscape subsectors
Course Outline
  • Follow safe work practices and risk control procedures
  • Participate in workplace safety and health management activities
  • Follow workplace emergency response procedures
TSC WSQ Course LNS-WSH-2087-1.1 Hazards and Risk Control, and Policy Management


Register for available modules at the CUGE TMSClick here for more details on programme registration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Refer here for our answers to some FAQs regarding Landscaping WSQ Qualification for Work Permit Holders & Assessment-Only Pathway (AOP). For other queries not answered in the FAQs, you may reach us via the contact us form.