Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Are there any fees required to obtain NAS accreditation?
No. NAS certification is free of charge.

Q2: Is the Applicant required to submit any documents?
The applicant need only submit the completed NAS checklist which will be sent to them by CUGE. This includes any supplementary material which is indicated in the checklist.

Q3: Will CUGE carry out pre-consultations to give Applicants an idea whether their nurseries can proceed with NAS assessment?
CUGE can arrange for a pre-assessment site visit upon request, during which the appointed assessors can ascertain whether the project is ready for assessment. The outcome of the pre-assessment will be conveyed through CUGE.

Q4: What is the expected duration for assessing one application (from start to meeting Applicant to panel presentation to award)?
CUGE aims to complete the assessment within 2 months of the Nursery site visit. This is because the assessor's findings and recommendations need to be reviewed.

Q5: Will CUGE formally inform the applicant of the outcome? What are the processes involved?
After the NAS assessors have made their decision, CUGE will formally send out letters informing applicants if they have been successful or unsuccessful.

Q6: Who will carry out the re-assessment - the original group of assessors, or a new group?
The original team may not necessarily conduct the re-assessment. A new team may be elected.

Q7: Does the NAS certification have an expiration date?
Yes. You will need to reapply for NAS every 3 years. The date of expiration will be reflected on the NAS award document, as well as any strengths, areas of improvement and recommendations for improvement by the assessor.

Q8: When should the applicant apply for a renewal of NAS?
Applicants should apply for a renewal of NAS 3 months in advance of the expiration date stated. Do note that this is not an automatic renewal. Applicants will be required to submit relevant updated documents and our assessor will attend a site visit for re-assessment.


Last updated on November 2015