FAQs on Landscape Company Register (LCR)

1. What is the Landscape Company Register?
2. Why register?
3. When can I register or renew?
4. How much are the LCR application fees?
5. Who can register?
6. What Information is required?
7. How do I avoid the common delays in LCR processing?


1. What is the Landscape Company Register?

The Landscape Company Register (LCR) was set up by NParks in 2007 to recognise companies that carry out landscape-related work. Landscape-related work covers landscape maintenance, design, implementation, as well as the running of ornamental plant nurseries. The Landscape Company Register (LCR) is a publicly available listing maintained by the Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology, a division under the National Parks Board (NParks).

2. Why register?

The LCR provides many benefits for landscape companies. Any company that wishes to be recognised as a genuine landscape services provider can apply to be on the LCR. Landscape services can include design and planning green spaces, landscape construction and management of completed landscaped areas.

Registered companies are eligible to bid for NParks contracts, apply for the Landscape Productivity Grant (LPG) and other NParks schemes. Service buyers from the private sector are also starting to state preferences for landscaping companies to be listed on the LCR.

With effect from January 2019, suppliers of landscape services are required to have two consecutive years of LCR status in order to be awarded government contracts or to have their contracts renewed. This includes those appointed as sub-contractors.

3. When can I register or renew?

The stipulated renewal period is 1 April to 30 November every year. Applications will not be accepted from 1 December to 31 March of the following year. 

4. How much are the LCR application fees?

The renewal fee is $250. For new applicants and companies that did not successfully apply in the previous year, the application fee is $350. The administrative fee is for processing an application and does not represent an automatic approval. No refunds will be given to unsuccessful LCR applications. 

5. Who can register?

Any ACRA-registered company that holds landscape maintenance and/or landscape implementation service contracts or has a plant nursery can apply for the LCR. Companies that have been operating for at least 12 months and with more than 65% revenue or sales turnover from landscape business activities can apply.

Newly setup landscape companies with at least 12 months of active business operations and records can submit their application for assessment. However, additional relevant and equivalent documents are required to be submitted. To meet the minimum criteria, the company must provide sufficient proof of active landscape business activities as being the core business activity of the company.

In addition, the requirement for companies to fulfill the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) for the landscape industry was introduced from 2016 onwards. Companies will need to meet the PWM conditions before submitting their LCR applications.

6. What Information is required?

The information required for registration submission is provided in the online application. Specifically, financial statements that detail all the applicant's different sources of revenue, including non-landscape related revenue, should be submitted. Copies of service contracts must clearly show that the main client has appointed the applicant to the service provider, either as sub-contractor or main contractor. All information submitted is for the purpose of verification and will be kept strictly commercial-in-confidence.

7. How do I avoid the common delays in LCR processing?

  • Ensure that the contracts listing in Section C only shows current and ongoing projects. Contracts that have ended should be deleted.
  • Ensure that the total number of foreign employees and local employees listed in the application form tally with uploaded CPF statements and WPonline listings.
  • Ensure that the WSQ qualifications for PWM staff are correctly indicated
  • Select the job designations of foreign employees as “Non-PWM” since the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) applies to resident (local) landscape maintenance employees only.