
Missed the past webinar sessions? Tune in via the links below!

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: Separation Anxiety - Mission Possible
Separation anxiety can cause both dog and owner a host of problems. Does you dog mess up your home and chew up every bit of furniture? Does your dog bark incessantly and howl through the night causing your neighbours to complain? Does your dog attempt to escape and hurt itself? These scenarios are all too familiar for owners with dogs facing separation anxiety. In this webinar, you can look forward to understanding what is separation anxiety, why it occurs and how to address it. You’ll also learn about the considerable research that has been done regarding separation anxiety over the past four decades. Even the most severe case of separation anxiety can be resolved with the advancement of systematic behaviour modification protocols.
16 June 2023 | Ms. Malena DeMartini | Separation Anxiety - Mission Possible

A Holistic Approach to Positive Reinforcement Training for Dogs
This free workshop (in-person and online) by Ms Barbara Wright will focus on basic exercises which can be used in training your dog including how to use quiet cues.
9 October 2022 | Focusing on Reducing Barking & Teaching Dogs the Quiet Cue

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: How WE learn - An Introduction to Behaviour Analysis and Training

Curious about how animals learn, and the science behind animal training? Join us for a talk by psychology professor Dr Susan Friedman as she introduces us to fundamental concepts behind animal behaviour change and training. Having a better understanding of the science behind how animals and humans learn will better equip us to help our pets pick up new skills and train them more effectively!
16 July 2022 | How WE learn - An Introduction to Behaviour Analysis and Training (video is no longer available)

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: Canine Ethology
Join Dr Kristina Spaulding, a Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist from the United States, as she brings you through the natural behaviour of dogs to understand their needs, especially for stray dogs transitioning to pets. Find out how to identify and reduce stress in pet dogs and clear any doubts you may have on pet dog care, during the live Q&A session. Find out more about the speaker here
4 May 2022 | Getting to Know Stray Dogs
5 May 2022 | Improving Quality of Life in Pet Dogs

Clearing Misconceptions about Rabbit Care
Join Dr Cathy Chan from The Animal Doctors Pte Ltd and AVS vet Dr Sean Sum who will share some common misconceptions about rabbit care! Dr Chan will also perform a live check of a rabbit during the session and share her experiences in caring for rabbits in the course of her daily veterinary work. There will also be a live Q&A session for rabbit owners to ask any burning questions on pet care.
9 April 2022: Clearing Misconceptions about Rabbit Care

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: What is a Happy Dog? Improving Welfare of Dogs in Home and Shelter Environments

Join Dr Alexandra (Sasha) Protopopova, Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia’s Animal Welfare Programme who will review the research into the natural history of dogs. This will help us understand them better and live harmoniously with our dogs. To find out more about the speaker, click here.
23 March 2022 | What is a Happy Dog? Improving Welfare of Dogs in Home and Shelter Environments

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: Feline Ethology
Join Prof Danielle Gunn-Moore, a Professor in Feline Medicine, and Dr Jenna Kiddie, an Animal Behaviour and Welfare Consultant, both based in the UK, who will be sharing about the science and history behind feline domestication as well as the social behaviour of cats at the upcoming AVS webinar on Feline Ethology.
19 January 2022 | Domestication of the Cat - Natural and artificial selection, and its effects on health & welfare (video is no longer available) | Prof Danielle Gunn-Moore
20 January 2022 | Feline Friendly: The fundamentals of social behaviour in the domestic cat (video is no longer available) | Dr Jenna Kiddie

Living Harmoniously with the Singapore Specials
Have you ever interacted with a Singapore Special (SS) or considered adopting one? Are you aware of our Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) Programme? The TNRM Programme was launched in Nov 2018 by the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS), together with AVS Animal Welfare Group Partners, the Singapore Veterinary Association and other stakeholders. You can also learn about adopting a SS through Project ADORE, with a first-hand sharing experience from adopter, Mr James Benjamin Norman who will be making an appearance with his dog Margie! Learn more about our very own SS and how to live harmoniously with them in our City in Nature! Join Dr Lin Anhui from AVS in our live webinar.
18 Dec 2021: Living Harmoniously with the Singapore Specials
Video: Singapore Specials, The Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage Programme

Cooperative Care Training in Dogs
Join Laura Monaco Torelli, the founder of Animal Behaviour Training Concepts in Chicago, in this 2-day Animal & Veterinary Service Webinar Series, as she shares five top tips when bringing a canine family member home and the unexpected caregiving surprises that come with adopting.
17 Nov 2021 | Adopted! Five Top Tips to Know When Bringing a Canine Family Member Home (video is no longer available)

18 Nov 2021 | "You want me to do what?" A Closer Look At Unexpected Expectations of Canine Caregivers (video is no longer available)

Responsible Pet Bird Ownership

Keen on owning a pet bird but unsure of how to take care of it? In this webinar, join Dr Trent and Dr Lee as they bring you through the considerations of owning a pet bird and the types of birds suitable for potential owners. They will also touch on how to take care of your pet bird to ensure its health and welfare. Pet bird owner Yue Jin, will also be sharing some insights on owning pet birds.
23 Oct 2021: Responsible Pet Bird Ownership

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: Shelter Dog Behaviour
Trish McMillan holds a Master of Science degree in animal behaviour and will be presenting two webinars on “Behaviour assessments in shelters” and “Post-adoption support for shelter dogs”. She will be reviewing the science behind behaviour assessments and how it can guide decisions to achieve the most ethical outcome for shelter dogs. In addition, she will be discussing the importance of providing behavioural support for adopters and fosterers in a home environment. Join us if you would like to find out how we can improve shelter dog care and help them learn how to become great pets!
8 Sep 2021 | Behaviour Assessments in Shelter
9 Sep 2021 | Post-Adoption Support For Shelter Dogs

Common Skin Diseases in Dogs
Have you seen your dog scratching non-stop or developing red spots on its skin? Let Veterinarian Dr Suria Fabbri from the Animal & Veterinary Service bring you through some common skin diseases in dogs, what to look out for and what to do to make your dog cope better.
28 Aug 2021: Common Skin Diseases in Dogs

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: The Science of Animal Assisted Interventions
Many of us love our pets and want to share with others the joy they bring, but are they suited to participate in animal assisted interventions? Join us as we hear from internationally-renowned speakers Dr Maureen MacNamara and Dr Lisa Maria Glenk on what it takes for a companion animal to be a good fit for different types of animal assisted interventions, as well as how we can keep them safe and happy during such sessions.  
12 July 2021 | 10 most important things to know about Animal-Assisted Interactions: Keeping you and the animals safe and happy (video is no longer available) | Dr Maureen MacNamara
13 July 2021 | Animal-assisted interventions: Scientific foundations, challenges & rewards (video is no longer available) | Dr Lisa Maria Glenk

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: Behaviour Modification Strategies for Canine Aggression

Michael Shikashio, a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant, will be presenting two webinars on understanding and modifying aggression in dogs. He will highlight why dogs display aggressive behaviour and show some of the effective techniques he uses in his behaviour cases. The presentation will include a case study, with video, that shows the progression of behaviour change from start to finish. In addition, Michael will be discussing the crucial components to assess severity and prognosis in aggression cases. Find out more information about the speaker here.

19 May 2021 | Behaviour Modification Strategies for Canine Aggression (Part 1)

20 May 2021 | Behaviour Modification Strategies for Canine Aggression (Part 2)

Bunny Medic 101
Do you know everything there is to know about looking after a rabbit properly and ensuring its best health and welfare? Hear from Dr Chang Siow Foong from the Animal & Veterinary Service and Dr Cathy Chan from the Animal Doctors who will provide tips on rabbit care and husbandry, together with Ms Zheng Meifang from House Rabbit Society Singapore, Ms Lynne Tan and Ms Stella Loo from Bunny Wonderland who will share about rabbit welfare cases.
24 April 2021: Bunny Medic 101

The Science of Animal Assisted Interventions
Advances in research have shown that pet ownership and animal assisted interventions have the potential to improve our health and wellbeing. Join us as we hear from internationally-renowned speakers, Dr Aubrey Fine and Dr Nancy Gee, to learn more about the progress of animal assisted interventions and how pets can benefit our health. Find out more about the speakers here
25 Mar 2021 | The State of Animal Assisted Interventions: A New Paradigm Shift For The Future | Dr Aubrey Fine (video is no longer available)
25 Mar 2021 | Health Benefits of Companion Animals | Dr Nancy Gee (video is no longer available)

How to Identify and Manage Your Pet's Anxiety
Does your pet cower in fear or run away when there are strangers in the house? There are many reasons why pets behave the way they do especially when they encounter someone unfamiliar. Learn how to identify the symptoms of anxiety in your pets and manage them properly through Dr Lin Anhui our AVS vet and Dr Chow Hao Ting from Joyous Vet.
27 Feb 2021: How to Identify and Manage Your Pet's Anxiety 

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: The Science of Feline Behaviour
Advances in the scientific discipline of feline behaviour and training has contributed to positive changes in the way we interact with our feline companions. Join our international experts in discussing the scientific principles that underpin cat training, behaviour and welfare, and learn how we can enhance cat welfare and care through evidence-based approaches. Find out more about the speakers here
25 Jan 2021 | Cat Behaviour, Training and Handling | Ms Linda Ryan (video is no longer available)
26 Jan 2021 | Cat Enrichment for Welfare | Dr Jenna Kiddie (video is no longer available)

What you need to know about getting a pet this festive season
Before you get a pet as a present, join our AVS vet as he provides a glimpse into the process of getting a pet and how to be a responsible pet owner. Being a pet owner comes with more responsibilities than you think!
19 Dec 2020: 
Responsible Pet Ownership: What you need to know about getting a pet this festive season

Science behind Animal Behaviour Series: The Science of Canine Behaviour
Animals are part of our community and their health and well-being are intrinsically linked with ours. We need to live harmoniously together, as we work towards making Singapore our City in Nature. Join us as we hear from internationally-renowned speakers, Dr Roger Abrantes and Dr Jenna Kiddie, to learn more on how to interact with our canine companions. Find out more about the speakers here
27 Oct 2020: 
| Dr Jenna Kiddie(video is no longer available) 28 Oct 2020: Dog Enrichment for Welfare
Principles of Animal Behaviour Modification | Dr Roger Abrantes