Animals and Birds Act (Chapter 7)
Animals and Birds Act (Chapter 7)
The Animals and Birds Act is An Act for preventing the introduction into, and the spreading within, Singapore of diseases of animals, birds or fish; for the control of the movement of animals, birds or fish into, within and from Singapore; for the prevention of cruelty to animals, birds or fish; for measures pertaining to the general welfare and improvement of animals, birds or fish in Singapore and for purposes incidental thereto.
Animals and Birds (Importation) Order 2009 (PDF - 41KB)
Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) Rules (PDF - 55KB)
Animals and Birds (Fees) Rules 2009 (PDF - 38KB)
Animals and Birds (Prohibition of Live Poultry on Pulau Ubin) Rules 2005 (PDF - 40KB)
Animals and Birds (Live Fish) Rules 2011 (PDF - 54KB)
Animals and Birds (Pigeons) Rules (PDF - 52KB)
Animals and Birds (Piranha) Rules (PDF - 35KB)
Animals and Birds (Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules (PDF - 87KB)
Animals and Birds (Veterinary Centres) Rules (PDF - 52KB)
Animals and Birds (Prescribed Classes of Animals) Rules (PDF - 31KB)
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