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The Every Child a Seed programme was started in 2013 to enable pupils nationwide to commemorate 50 Years of Greening Singapore.

In this annual programme, every Primary Three student in Singapore will be given a plant starter kit consisting a pot, potting mix and seeds (Sweet Basil, Sunflower or Roselle) to grow their own plants and be part of Singapore's gardening journey. 

Through this programme, we hope the students will appreciate the challenges of the planting process, as well as experience the joy of seeing their plants grow. We also hope to share with our students that everyone has a part to play in growing our City In Nature. 


Luke before   Luke after  ECAS PSK 2022

Luke Raphael Peh from St. Anthony's Primary School was initially disappointed when he thought his Roselle seeds were not sprouting. Despite this, he persevered and eventually, one of his seeds germinated and grow into a healthy plant. 

Clockwise from left: Student's plant journal, pot with potting mix, plant starter kit box 


Complementing the School Syllabus

Tailored to complement the Primary Science syllabus, this programme will teach students about the life cycle of a plant, plant parts and their functions. The values of care and responsibility will also be reinforced. 

Watch what some of our educators and students have to say of the Every Child a Seed programme here.


The Garden City Fund

Every Child a Seed is supported by the Garden City Fund, a registered charity that hopes to cultivate a sense of ownership and love for the environment among the public, and to encourage the community to play its part in preserving Singapore's legacy as a lush and vibrant City in Nature. 

Find out more about the Garden City Fund here

The programme is also in line with Singapore Food Agency's (SFA) '30 by 30' goal which is to develop the capability and capacity of the local agri-food industry to produce 30% of our nutritional needs by 2030. Find out more about Singapore Food Agency here.


Online Resources

Download these supporting materials to enhance the learning of your students

Student Reflection and Photo Gallery

Students are encouraged to send in photos of their plants, reflections as well as their decorated pots and labels

Need inspiration? Here are some photos and reflections we have received to date.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Find the answer here.



Last updated on 26 July 2024

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