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Frequently Asked Questions


1. How is Every Child a Seed relevant to what students learn in school? 

The programme has been tailored to complement the Primary 3/4 Science syllabus. Students will learn about the life cycle of a plant, plant parts and their functions. The lessons will also teach them the values of care and responsibility. 

2. What is the cost of adopting the programme?

The programme is free. It is fully sponsored by the Garden City Fund, a registered charity supported by NParks.

3. When will schools be receiving the plant starter kits? 

Schools can expect to receive the plant starter kits from May onwards.

4. Can my school use the resources for other levels besides Primary 3? 

While we encourage schools to use the kits for the Primary 3 cohort due to its relevance to the Science syllabus, schools are free to distribute the starter kits to students in other levels.  The number of starter kits delivered to schools however, is based on the Primary 3 cohort.

5. Can my school request for additional plant starter kits to give to other levels as well?

Schools may consider making their own purchases of planting pots, potting mix and seeds from nurseries. 

6. Is there a deadline for schools to carry out the programme? My school is covering the topic on plants only in Term 3/4. 

There is no deadline for schools to carry out the programme. However, for optimal germination rate, it is recommended that the planting of the seeds take place sooner (within one month) rather than later. This is because prolonged storage may affect the rate of germination of the seeds. The kits should be kept under dark, dry, cool and air-tight conditions, away from direct sunlight. 

7. Can my school request for Sunflower/Sweet Basil/Roselle seeds only? 

We will be allocating schools a mixture of all three seeds. This is to allow students to experience the diversity of the plant kingdom. With the three types of plants, students can then make comparisons of the different conditions under which these plants grow well. 

8. How strictly do I have to follow the lesson plans? 

The lesson plans are optional. While we encourage teachers to carry out both lessons, are merely guides. Teachers can adopt the lesson plans however they deem fit. 

9. How do the students plant the seeds?

First, make sure every student has a plant starter kit (containing a small pot, a packet of potting mix, and a packet of seeds) and a copy of the handbook titled ‘My Plant Journal’. 

They will also need the following materials:
- Old newspapers
- A spoon for scooping the potting mix
- A stick
- A filled watering can OR a cup filled with water

Here are step-by-step instructions. You can also view the planting process here.

a. Wash your hands before planting your seeds.

b. Clear the surface of your table and lay old newspapers on it.

c. Use the spoon to scoop the potting mix into the pot. Fill the pot until it is three-quarters full.

d. Make five holes about 1 cm deep in the potting mix, using the stick. Make sure the holes are not too close to one another.

e. Place a seed into each hole, then cover the holes with a thin layer of potting mix.

f. After planting the seeds, water the potting mix generously until water drips from the drainage holes of the pot. Note: Water slowly to prevent the potting mix from being washed out of the pot. 

g. Place the pot in a warm and semi-shaded environment.

h. Water your plant when the potting mix feels dry or turns light brown.

i. Now you are ready to watch your plant grow. Remember to record your observations in your plant journal!

10. How often do the plants need watering?

When watering, make sure the potting mix is damp, but not wet. To check if the potting mix is damp, make a 2 cm mark on a stick and push it into the potting mix. Damp soil will remain on the stick, which is when you should stop watering.

11. Do all the plants require the same amount of water?

The Sunflower, Roselle and Sweet Basil grow best with a moderate amount of watering. Water only when the potting mix feels dry about 2 cm below the surface.

12. Should the plant be moved at any time?

Remember, plants need sunlight to grow. When the second set of leaves (true leaves) appears on your seedlings, place the pot under direct sunlight. The first set of leaves of a plant (seed leaves) tends to be round or oval in shape. Most plants have similar-looking seed leaves. True leaves, however, are distinctive to that plant.

13.  Do the plants require anything else besides water and sunlight?

When the Sunflower plant grows to about 70 cm tall, you can tie a stick loosely to the stem to support it.

14.  What should students do with the seedlings that seem to be dying?

The students can try trimming away the dead parts of the stem. The plant might still be able to be salvaged.  

15. What should students do when the plant gets too big for the pot?

Students should repot their plant in a larger pot or recyclable container (e.g. a plastic bottle cut in half lengthwise). Students should ensure that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the recyclable container. For instructions on how to repot plants, students can refer to the clip titled “CIB – How to Transplant Seedlings”. The link is provided here for your reference. 

16. Who should I contact if I have further queries?

Please feel free to contact us:


Last updated on 03 February 2023

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