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Happy Pets, Happy People (Responsible Pet Ownership)

Being a pet owner comes with many responsibilities, not just to your pet, but also to your neighbours and the wider community. Happy Pets, Happy People jigsaw puzzles started in 2015 as a key activity to educate and promote the importance of animal welfare and responsible and considerate pet ownership. 
In this annual programme, every Primary 4 pupil would be given a jigsaw puzzle depicting different pets and their respective care and needs. With this, we aim to foster a humane and gracious society for all to co-exist in greater harmony within our City in Nature.


Complementing the School Syllabus

Tailored to complement the Primary 4 Character and Citizenship Education lesson (Unit 5 - An Open Mind, Lesson 3), this program will teach students about responsible and considerate pet ownership, reinforcing the values of care and responsibility.

Find out more on how you can be a responsible pet owner with our online educational resources.


Online Resources

Download these supporting materials to enhance the learning of your students.

Exhibition Panels

Find out more information on loaning of the exhibition panels


Responsible Pet Ownership (Pre-schools)

Last updated on 26 July 2024

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