Plant of the Month
Cosmos caudatus
Cosmos caudatus, also known as Ulam Raja (meaning ‘king’s salad’ in Bahasa Melayu), is an annual herbaceous plant that can grow up to 2.5 m tall. Its ornamental pink to purple flowers attract butterflies and bees. The deeply lobed, pinnately compound leaves add a visually lacy texture in the landscape. Young leaves are eaten raw in salads in the Malay cuisine and the nutritious leaves have a pleasant, mango-like flavour. The plant is also used in traditional medicine in Southeast Asia.
Animal of the Month
Cypraea tigris
Cypraea tigris, commonly known as the Tiger Cowrie, is a large sea snail found on the ocean floor in the Indo-Pacific region. Once common, it is now much less abundant due to shell collecting and habitat destruction. In Singapore, it is exceedingly rare.
Sunda Slow Loris
Video of wild Sunda Slow Loris in Singapore, captured on Night Vision Equipment.