Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do you have a question on the Cat Management Framework? Find out more here!
Cat Licensing and Microchipping
Q: How/when do I license my cat?
A: Owners can start to apply licences for their cats from 1 September 2024 onwards via the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS). Before applying for a licence, your cat(s) will need to be implanted with a microchip, and first-time cat licence applicants will need to complete a one-time free online pet ownership course.
Q: I have previously registered my cat on iFAST. Do I still need to license my cat?
A: Yes. Cat licences can only be applied via the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS).
Q: My cat was adopted from an Animal Welfare Group. Do I still need to license my cat?
A: All pet cats, whether purchased or adopted, must be licensed. If your cat was adopted before 1 September 2024, please proceed to apply for a cat licence via the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS).
Q: What will happen if I do not license my cats?
A: A two-year transition period will be introduced to allow pet owners to ease into the changes and meet the cat-keeping rules and licensing conditions. The transition period will be from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2026. It will be an offence to keep unlicensed pet cat(s) from 1 September 2026 onwards.
Q: I am a cat fosterer. Do I need to license my fostered cats?
A: Similar to pet owners, fosterers should license the cats they are fostering in their homes when cat licensing commences on 1 September. When the cat is adopted or rehomed, the fosterer can initiate the licence transfer to the new owner via the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS).
Q: I am a community cat caregiver. Do I need to license my community cat?
A: No, only pet cats need to be licensed. Community cat caregivers are encouraged to register their community cats on iFAST for traceability. This will help us reach out to you if we receive your cat in our shelter.
Q: Do I have to pay for licensing fees? If yes, how much do I need to pay?
A: Between 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2026, all cat licences will be issued for free. One-time licences with lifetime validity will be issued for sterilised cats while licences covering the transition period will be issued for unsterilised cats. Licences for unsterilised cats will be chargeable upon renewal after the transition period.
Q: Microchipping is required for a cat to be licensed. How much does it cost to microchip a cat?
A: The cost of microchipping a cat can vary across different veterinary clinics. Cat owners should check directly with the veterinary clinic first before arranging for their cat to be microchipped.
AVS organises free pet health checks and microchipping for pet cats and dogs at Pets’ Day Out events, which serve as a platform for animal welfare groups, pet businesses, veterinarians, and pet lovers to come together. AVS also conducts free microchipping at external events for more cat owners to benefit. Pet owners can register for the free pet health checks and microchipping at'-day-out/pdo.
Q: What is the difference in costs between licensing sterilised and unsterilised cats after the transition period?
A: We strongly encourage cat owners to sterilise their cats before licensing them. Sterilising their cats will not only prevent unwanted breeding but offers health and behavioural benefits to the cats as well – sterilised cats will have a reduced risk of certain cancers, and are less likely to roam and caterwaul. It will also cost more to license unsterilised cats after the transition period. The following table illustrates the differences in costs of licensing.
Costs of licensing after the transition period (i.e., from 1 September 2026 onwards) | ||
Number of cats that the owner has | If owner has sterilised all of his/her cats | If owner has not sterilised all of his/her cats |
1 |
S$35 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence
Total: S$35 |
S$230 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
Total: S$230 (Owner must renew the licence after three years) |
2 |
S$35 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence Total: S$70 |
S$230 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
Total: S$460 (Owner must renew the licences after three years) |
3 |
$35 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence Total: S$105 |
S$230 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
Total: S$690 (Owner must renew the licences after three years) |
4 |
For first three cats: S$35 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence
For fourth cat: S$460 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence
Total: S$565 |
For first three cats: S$230 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
For fourth cat: S$460 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
Total: S$1,150 (Owner must renew the licences after three years) |
5 |
For first three cats: S$35 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence
For fourth and fifth cats: S$460 per sterilised cat for a one-time licence
Total: S$1,025 |
For first three cats:
S$230 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
For fourth and fifth cats: S$460 per unsterilised cat for a three-year licence
Total: S$1,610 (Owner must renew the licences after three years) |
Q: Is it mandatory to sterilise my cats?
A: While sterilisation is not mandatory, we strongly encourage cat owners to sterilise their cats before licensing them.Sterilisation can bring about health benefits such as a reduced risk of certain cancers. It can also help to reduce sexually motivated behaviours such as caterwauling in cats. We strongly encourage cat owners to sterilise their cats as early as possible.
Cat Ownership Limits
Q: I currently live in a HDB flat and own more than two cats. What should I do?
A: Cat owners currently keeping cats beyond the allowable limit can continue to keep all their existing pet cats (i.e. owned before 1 Sept 2024) if they apply for licences for their cats during the transition period. Cat owners who fail to license their existing pet cats by the end of the transition period will only be allowed to license and keep up to two pet cats in each HDB flat, or up to 3 cats and/or dogs in private premises.
Q: I am currently keeping cats beyond the allowed limit. Can I buy/adopt more cats after 1 September 2024?
A: As pet ownership is a lifelong commitment, pet owners can continue to keep all their existing pet cats (i.e. owned before 1 September 2024) if they apply for licences for their cats during the transition period and ensure that the cats' health and and welfare are taken care of. If you are already keeping cats beyond the allowed number limit, you should not be keeping more cats after 1 September 2024.
Q: I am currently fostering cats beyond the allowed limit. Can I foster more cats after 1 September 2024?
A: AVS is co-developing guidelines for cat fosterers together with animal welfare group partners and looking into how responsible fosterers which meet these guidelines can be allowed to keep more cats. This will be done in a phased approach and AVS will share more details when ready. If you are rescuing and fostering new cats after 1 September 2024, please ensure that cats are sterilised and licensed to their adopters.
Pet Ownership Course
Q: Are there options for an offline course if some pet owners are not able to access or are unfamiliar with online training?
A: We recognise that there may be pet owners who may not be able to access the online course or are unfamiliar with online training. We are looking into ways to provide support, so that these groups will also be able to complete the course from 1 September 2024. Meanwhile, pet owners can seek assistance from their friends or family where possible.
Pet Cat Sterilisation Support (PCSS) Programme
Q: Who is eligible for the Pet Cat Sterilisation Support programme?
A: The PCSS programme aims to help low-income households sterilise and microchip their pet cats. Households who wish to apply for the programme will need to meet any of the qualifying criteria below:
- Financial assistance recipient (e.g., MSF, CDC)
- Blue CHAS card holder
- Public Rental Scheme
Q: How can I track the status of my registration/ Can I withdraw my registration?
A: Eligible owners will be notified if the registration is successful. You can withdraw your registration at any point if you change your mind.