Registration & Payment (Programmes for Educators)
Registration & Payment (Programmes for Educators)
Confirmation of Programme
Do note that receipt of your request or registered interest through email is not a confirmation of your booking. Once the necessary details and arrangements are finalised, we will furnish you a confirmation email and a Memorandum of Acceptance (MOA) document that requires your endorsement.
If you do not hear from us one week prior to commencement of the programme, please contact us.
Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis upon receipt of registration form. Programme availability is subjected to the availability of guides. To avoid disappointment, please make your booking(s) with us at least one month in advance.
Should you face any technical difficulties with the registration form, kindly email us at
For guided tours, payment may be made on the actual day of the programme.
Payment can be made by NETS or Credit Card (VISA or Mastercard only).
For organisations, an invoice can be issued and mailed to your designated organisation only after completion of programme. All payments shall be settled promptly. Please note that our credit term is 30 days from the date of issuance of invoice.
Our Contact:
Education Branch,
Singapore Botanic Gardens
National Parks Board
1, Cluny Road
Singapore 259569
Enquiries : email us at