Jul 2004, Vol. 23

Date Published 01 July 2004
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The Aroids of Borneo

Timeless Beauties – the Gardens’ Sculptures

The Burkills of Burkill Hall

Talipariti tiliaceum – A New Name for the Sea Hibiscus

Snapping Away for the Web – The Type Project in the Singapore Herbarium

Regular Features

Message from the Director

Around the Gardens
Botanical Watercolour Painting Course

New and Exciting
Scented Daphne, Phaleria clerodendron

From the Orchid Species Collection
Bulbophyllum annandalei

Education Outreach
School Holiday Workshops and Walk-in Tours

Taxonomy Corner
Why Plants Change their Names

Staff News

Key Visitors to the Gardens
January – June 2004

From the Archives
Paintings as Types

Year In Focu




Publications 2003

Regional Network of Botanic Garden in South East Asia

Botanical Research Fellowships

Jan 2004, Vol. 22

Date Published 01 January 2004
Download PDF ( 11359KB ) about

Tropical Gesneriads in Cultivation

Usun Apau! Where’s that?

More Than a Gift

From the Forest to the Garden Sterculia parviflora

Cool House in the Tropics

Protecting the Living Monuments of the Gardens

Improvised efficiencies for a plant sharing programme

Regular Features

Message from the Director

New and Exciting
Memecylon fruticosum

Around the Gardens
Singapore Orchid Festival 2003

Training Update

Education Outreach

Environmental Education in Botanic Gardens
Educational Activities at Events

From the Orchid Species Collection

Taxonomy Corner
Naming Plants for People

Staff News
Dr Towering Talent

Key Visitors to the Gardens
July – December 2003

From the Archives
Ethel Burkill’s Paintings Retum to Singapore

Jul 2003, Vol. 21

Date Published 01 July 2003
Download PDF ( 4324KB ) about

The Ginger Garden

Across the Generations: Plant collectors and their Careers at the Botanic Gardens

Casting Light on the History of the Sundial Garden

An Exciting New Mango Species for Singapore

Daun Cincau

Regular Features

Message from the Director

Around the Gardens
Protecting our Magnificent Trees
Plant Sales
The Gardens’ Card Series

Training Update

Education Outreach

The Singapore Connection
Kopsia singapurensis

New and Exciting
Dillenia alata (Red Beech; Golden Guinea Tree)

From the Orchid Species Collection
Bulbophyllum foetidum

Taxonomy Corner
250th Anniversary of Species Plantarum

Staff News

Key Visitors to the Gardens
January – June 2003

From the Archives
Watercolour Paintings by E.J.H. Corner

Year In Focu

Research Projects



Publications 2002

Jan 2003, Vol. 20

Date Published 01 January 2003
Download PDF ( 3827KB ) about

The Hoyas of Sabah

Rare Finds in the Gardens – Frog in the Dell, An Arboreal Snail

“Kinabalu Diary & Orchid Determinations”
C. E. Carr’s Kinabalu Field Diary

The Herbarium Moves … Again!

Regular Features

Message from the Director

Around the Gardens
Christmas Fiesta
Our 2003 Calendar

Training Update

Staff News

Education Outreach

School Holiday Workshops for Children

The Singapore Connections
Bulbophyllum singaporeanum

New and Exciting
Mauritiella armata (Ghost Palm)

From the Orchid Species Collection

Taxonomy Corner
The Red Banana

Spotlight On Orchid Breeding & Micropropagation
Tissue-cultured plantlets for sale in the Gardens

What’s Blooming
Chorisia speciosa

Key Visitors to the Gardens
July – December 2002

From the Archives
Restoration of Water-colour Paintings

Jul 2002, Vol 19

Date Published 01 July 2002
Download PDF ( 3677KB ) about

The Herbarium’s Role in Conservation

The Early Introduction of African Oil Palm to the Gardens

Colours in the Desert

Regular Features

Message from the Director

Around the Gardens
Botanical Watercolour Painting Course

What’s Blooming
Buddleja asiatica

New and Exciting
Gardenia gjellerupii

Key Visitors to the Gardens
January – June 2002

Staff News

From the Archives
An Excursion to the Sungai Sedili on 29th January 1933

Year In Focus

Research Projects

School of Horticulture



Publications 2001

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