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Citizen Science Programmes


Citizen science refers to the participation of the community in organised research endeavours. Data derived from these projects informs decision makers about our biodiversity and helps to formulate conservation strategies. Help from citizen scientists enables the collection of large amounts of data, and in return, they get to learn more about our biodiversity!


There is a variety of citizen science initiatives available to the public and school groups. The NParks Community in Nature (CIN) Biodiversity Watch such as the Butterfly WatchDragonfly WatchGarden Bird Watch, and Heron Watch target specific groups of animals; while other programmes focus on the marine environment, such as TeamSeaGrass and the Comprehensive Marine Biodiversity Survey.


Find out more about these programmes, or register your interest at to become a citizen scientist today!


Calendar of Citizen Science Events 



27 Jan - 4 Feb: Heron Watch


9 - 17 Mar: Dragonfly Watch


6 - 14 Apr: Garden Bird Watch


25 May - 2 Jun: Butterfly Watch



13 - 21 Jul: Heron Watch


10 - 18 Aug: Dragonfly Watch


14 - 22 Sep: Butterfly Watch


2 - 10 Nov: Garden Bird Watch



Citizen Science Programmes for Schools


Citizen science programmes for schools can be found here.


Citizen Science Programmes for the Public

Bird count image
Photo credit: Samson Chan

Garden Bird Watch

Members of the public are invited to participate in this island-wide effort to survey common birds in our parks. Data collected from this study will help us to better understand the abundance and distribution of these birds. 

Visit the Garden Bird Watch page for more information.

Frequency: Twice per year

Training: Provided

Photo credit: Ang Wee Foong

Butterfly Watch

Members of the community are invited to participate in this island-wide effort to gather data on common butterflies in our parks. The information gained from this study will help us better document trends in the abundance and distribution of butterflies.

Visit the Butterfly Watch page for more information.

Frequency: Twice per year

Training: Provided

Photo credit: Robin Ngiam

Dragonfly Watch

Members of the community are invited to participate in this island-wide effort to gather data on common dragonflies and damselflies in our parks. The information gained from this study will help us better understand the abundance and distribution of our native dragonflies and damselflies.

Visit the Dragonfly Watch page for more information.

Frequency: Twice per year

Training: Provided

Heron Watch

Members of the community are invited to participate in an island-wide survey to monitor the distribution and abundance of 18 species of herons at their feeding sites. 

Visit the Heron Watch page for more information.

Frequency: Twice per year

Training: Provided

Shorebird Sighting Records

Members of the public are invited to report their sightings of flagged shorebirds to or through the SGBioAtlas App. Data collected from this study will help us to understand the movement and lifespan of the individual birds.

Frequency: Ad hoc

Training: Not required

Photo credit: Siti Maryam Yaakub

Seagrass Monitoring with TeamSeaGrass

This project is a joint collaboration between TeamSeaGrass and NParks. Participants are involved in seagrass surveys to monitor the health of these ecosystems. 

Contact for more information regarding this programme.

Frequency: Multiple sessions per year

Training: Provided


Members of the public are invited to join a team of naturalists to conduct an intensive field study to document the diversity of flora and fauna within a park over a specified period of time.


Visit the BioBiltz page for more information.



Intertidal Watch


Intertidal Watch

Intertidal Watch is a citizen science programme that engages park managers, students and volunteers to document and monitor the biodiversity of intertidal habitats in Singapore. The main objective of this programme is to collect long-term quantitative data to facilitate science-based decision-making and management of Singapore’s coastal areas. The programme will also provide information and opportunities for public outreach and educational activities.

Contact for more information regarding this programme.

Frequency: Multiple sessions per year

Training: Provided

Citizen Science Programmes for Schools

Greening Schools for Biodiversity

This programme involves students conducting biodiversity audits around their school campus, identifying suitable plants to increase biodiversity, and then planting these targeted species. 


Visit the Greening Schools for Biodiversity page for more information.


Frequency: Once per year

Training: Provided

BioBlitz for Schools

BioBlitz is a form of collaborative wildlife survey to document as many species of flora and fauna as possible, within a set location, over a defined time period.

During the annual Biodiversity Week for Schools, upper primary and secondary school students can conduct wildlife surveys in their own campus as part of a nationwide initiative to document our urban biodiversity.

Visit the Biodiversity Week for Schools page for more information.


Frequency: Once per year

Training: Provided


Last updated on 09 July 2024

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