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NParks Dragonfly Watch

Enjoy spotting dragonflies and damselflies, or interested to learn more about them?

Join us for the Dragonfly Watch, organised as part of the NParks Community in Nature Biodiversity Watch series, and contribute to a citizen science study on these amazing flying predators.

You can also learn more about our common dragonflies and damselflies through our interactive e-learning module.


Dragonfly Watch August 2024 will take place from 10 August (Saturday) to 18 August (Sunday) and it is open for experienced volunteers only.

Registration closes on 28 July 2024. Click here to register! 




What is the Dragonfly Watch all about?

The Dragonfly Watch is a citizen science initiative to involve the community in collecting valuable information about dragonflies and damselflies in our parks, gardens and reserves.

With the data collected from survey transects from the various parks around Singapore, we can start piecing together information about where our dragonflies and damselflies are found and in what numbers! This information will contribute towards better park management and conservation measures.

*For simplicity, we are using the broad term of ‘dragonfly’ here to refer to both dragonflies and damselflies unless otherwise specified.


Results from 2023 Dragonfly Watch



Results from past Dragonfly Watch surveys



How can I participate?

Experienced volunteers aged 12 and above can sign up and volunteer with us.

A training workshop on dragonfly identification and survey techniques will be organised for beginner and intermediate dragonfly-watchers before the survey. You will be assigned a survey site closer to the date of the survey.

Kindly note that Dragonfly Watch August 2024 is open for experienced Dragonfly Watch volunteers only. There will not be training workshops being conducted this round. 


What happens after I have signed up?

  1. We will email you the details to confirm your sign up.
  2. You may view theory training video and/or attend a practical training if you wish to have a refresher. The theory training session is about 2 hours long and the practical session is about 1 hour long. Both sessions cover basic survey and dragonfly-watching techniques. You will also learn how to identify the 23 species of dragonflies and damselflies for Dragonfly Watch.
  3. Few days before the Dragonfly Watch, we will send you information about your designated site and transect locations for your survey.
  4. Head down to your site on any day between 10 to 18 August (from 9 am to 5 pm) and conduct the count at your designated transect. The survey should take no more than three hours and can be conducted anytime from 9 am to 5 pm. The following windows are recommended:
    • 9 am to 12 pm
    • 2 pm to 5 pm
  5. Send the results of your survey to us either using the SGBioAtlas app, FormSG, or email us a scanned copy of your datasheet!

If you have any questions, please email us at


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  1. I don’t have any dragonfly-watching experience. Can I still participate?

    Yes, we will provide a practical training and a theory video, which will cover basic survey and dragonfly-watching techniques, as well as identification of 23 common dragonflies and damselflies in Singapore. This will enable you to carry out the basic surveys in our parks. With practice, you will be able to identify more species and become a true-blue dragonfly watcher!

    Kindly note that there will be no training session for Dragonfly Watch August 2024 as it is open for experienced volunteers only.


  2. Do I need any special equipment?

    The survey is designed to accommodate surveyors without any specialised equipment such as a camera or a pair of binoculars. All you need is a datasheet and a pen, or a smartphone with the SGBioAtlas app. You are encouraged to bring along a camera and/or a pair of binoculars though!


  3. What are the common species?

    Here are the common damselfly and dragonfly species:


    Common Name

    Scientific Name


    Family Coenagrionidae


    Variable Wisp

    Agriocnemis femina


    Ornate Coraltail

    Ceriagrion cerinorubellum


    Common Bluetail

    Ischnura senegalensis


    Blue Sprite

    Pseudagrion microcephalum


    Family Gomphidae


    Common Flangetail

    Ictinogomphus decoratus

    Family Libellulidae


    Trumpet Tail

    Acisoma panorpoides



    Agrionoptera insignis


    Blue Dasher

    Brachydiplax chalybea


    Common Amberwing

    Brachythemis contaminata


    Common Scarlet

    Crocothemis servilia


    Common Parasol

    Neurothemis fluctuans


    Spine-tufted Skimmer

    Orthetrum chrysis


    Blue Skimmer

    Orthetrum glaucum


    Variegated Green Skimmer

    Orthetrum sabina


    Scarlet Skimmer

    Orthetrum testaceum


    Wandering Glider

    Pantala flavescens


    Common Chaser

    Potamarcha congener


    Banded Skimmer

    Pseudothemis jorina


    Common Redbolt

    Rhodothemis rufa


    Yellow-barred Flutterer

    Rhyothemis phyllis


    White-barred Duskhawk

    Tholymis tillarga


    Crimson Dropwing

    Trithemis aurora


    Scarlet Basker

    Urothemis signata insignata



  4. When and where are the training sessions?

    For Dragonfly Watch August 2024, there will not be any physical training sessions as it is open for experienced volunteers only. 

    The video link for the theory session will be sent to registered participants. Volunteers are required to watch the session at their convenience as a refresher.

  5. Will the Dragonfly Watch be very time consuming?

    The dragonfly survey itself will take no more than three hours, to be conducted on any day between 10 to 18 August 2024 between 9 am to 5 pm. The following windows are recommended:

    • 9 am to 12 pm
    • 2 pm to 5 pm

    If you volunteer to do counts at more than one site, you may be required to spend more than one day within the stipulated week to carry this out.


  6. How will the data I collect help NParks’ park management and conservation efforts?

    The data on the dragonfly species and their distribution collected during the Dragonfly Watch will help establish a baseline from which we can monitor the patterns in dragonfly populations in Singapore. With the counts held annually, we can track changes over time and develop management strategies to sustain or even enhance these populations.


  7. Can children under the age of 12 participate in this event? 

    Children aged 12 years and below may join the surveys as long as they are accompanied by their parents or guardian. They can be registered under the 'Children under 12 years old' section in the Dragonfly Watch registration form.


  8. Is it compulsory for me to attend the training workshops?

    Kindly note that there will not be training workshops for August 2024 as it is open for experieced volunteers only. For future sessions, you will be required to attend the training session if you are a beginner volunteer or entirely new to Dragonfly Watch. The training sessions will also teach you how to do a transect survey and give relevant instructions for Dragonfly Watch.

    It is not compulsory for returning volunteers to attend the training. However, you may wish to attend the training workshop as a refresher.

  9. Can my school/company/organisation participate in this event? 

    Yes, you may join our public training sessions (not available for Dragonfly Watch August 2024) and conduct surveys together. Please contact us at for large group registrations.


Last updated on 16 July 2024

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