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The National Parks Board’s stewardship as the Scientific Authority in Nature Conservation for Singapore is supported by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC). The scope of work carried out by the NBC is listed below:

  • Formulate, implement and coordinate strategies, policies and guidelines on biodiversity conservation
  • Formulate, implement and co-ordinate research and monitoring programmes on biodiversity
  • Strengthen, standardise and maintain reliable biodiversity databases for informed decision-making as well as providing relevant biodiversity data in support of Research & Development
  • Function as an information portal to enable access to local biodiversity information
  • Establish the Clearing-house Mechanism (CHM) to promote exchange of biodiversity information as well as the programmes of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
  • Provide feedback and advice on issues pertaining to flora and fauna biodiversity conservation, including advice on biodiversity conservation in international agreements
  • Process and monitor developments affecting biodiversity by specifying terms of reference for Biodiversity Impact Assessment, evaluation reports and monitoring compliance of mitigating measures
  • Operate as a one-stop centre for research permit application
  • Implement regional and international initiatives as Singapore’s focal point for inter alia, ASEAN Working Group for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (AWGNCB) and CBD
  • Synergise and maintain partnerships and strategic alliances with relevant agencies, interest groups and volunteers for collaboration in long-term conservation efforts and the strengthening of information-sharing efforts
Last updated on 15 October 2014

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