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Science Communication for CIN Ambassadors

Science communication is the art of making science simple and easy to understand for everyone. Through the Science Communication for CIN (Community in Nature) Ambassadors programme, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to effectively communicate Singapore’s biodiversity and nature conservation-related topics to the public in creative and engaging ways. 

This programme aims to: 

i) Train students to carry out nature outreach activities in creative and engaging ways that are relatable to the general public

ii) Expose students to various platforms and let them pick up different skill sets that can be used for nature outreach 

iii) Nurture students to develop an interest and appreciation for Singapore’s biodiversity, and contribute to the conservation of our natural heritage

Schools will complete one module comprised of 2 to 3 interactive workshops. After the training workshops, students will be assigned projects that are specific to the module of choice. 

Each workshop is 3 to 3.5 hours long and will take place in the afternoon. 



Creating Biodiversity Trails  Visual Communication & Infographics  

Nature through Drama

(for Primary Schools only)

Wildlife Documentary Production

(for Secondary Schools only)

School Projects Develop and conduct at least one nature guided tour with your school or community. Produce a visually interesting poster on our natural heritage and learn how to effectively present it.   Develop a drama performance based on a biodiversity-related theme and perform in your school.  Produce a mini documentary on the flora and fauna of the school, a park or any green space.


The Science Communincation for CIN Ambassadors programme is open to upper primary and secondary school students. There is a minimum participation of 10 -20 students per school.  Prior background in biology, drama or filming is not required.  

To find out more or register, contact us at 



Last updated on 23 December 2019

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